Prayer Card

Please pray for our autistic grandson, Leo. He has been having extreme anxiety to the point of shaking and vomiting. His first words when he wakes up is not wanting to be a part of his Dad's household because of the stepsisters and their mother. He talks all day and night obsessing on it. He can't enjoy anything because his might only repeats "I wish" (my mommy came back, I could stay with you, Nana, the girls would move away, things were the way they used to be, etc.) Dozens of times a day, he asks what day it is. Like a zombie. I tell him and explain it, but five minutes later, he repeats it again. He is six and has trouble understanding hours days weeks and months. It affects him terribly and he obsesses over it to the exclusion of everything else. He used to be such a happy child. I tried telling him to think of 'now' and to try and find good stuff in present time. I've tried to explain that there are a lot of positive things in every moment of his life, instead of 'I wish' thoughts dominating his mind. Please, Oh Blessed Mother, help him and whisper words of love and comfort to his heart when he feels so broken and alone, misunderstood and mistreated.
14 Apr 2021