Prayer Card

I will pray for the conversion of my 2- Son's, to come back to the church. They have distance themselves from you my Lord and I feel they lost all directions. Please Lord give them light and show them you are their The way , the truth and the way. Please show them trust in their hearts to come back to and be ready for adult Hood. Sometimes it feels like they want to children with no responsibility's. And if something happens to me they will be Lost completely. Please take their hand show them there is nothing to fear. With you all things are possible. I am happy to have bring them up. I made a commitment. But now they are not there for me and I do not deserve this. If they have you they will learn that they have everything they need and their future will be open to them. I am praying daily and need prayers intensively for this family of mine. Thank you for letting the rosary family pray all together and placing our petition's. Thank you so very much to all who Pray for US. Amen. I will be praying for All ! As for myself Sarah Leyva I would like to have enough money to pay my honest debts and to donate money to all the churches ni have played my petition's. Please forgive me for sometimes not believing you are there for me God through the blood of Jesus Christ AmenĀ¶
16 May 2018